Friday, May 7, 2010

The context of a game

Its always said that in a game , one wins and the other loses. This appears true because the game is measured in terms of numbers. In some case, more the number signifies a win and in some, lesser the number signifies winning the game.

for a minute , consider that the game is not about numbers. Would it make sense? Probably not, since we always attach a number or measure to winning.

In reality, we always WIN the game we play, but its "What is the game that we are playing" matters. For instance, If in an exam I aim to get 90% marks and I end up getting only 60%, then according to the general perception , I am a loser. But my game itself was to play for 60% , then I am a winner.

It doesnt mean measures are not important, but measures are not the game and this is a common pitfall we all fall into..  In the process of achieving the measures, we often lost the context of the game.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Conversations rule our lives.

From doing a small thing to achieving something big, our lives and actions are governed by the conversations that we have about what we do.

For instance, If I ask anyone to go and talk to a stranger on the road, would anyone do that? There are lot of things that would come to mind. "Why should I do?" , "What will others think?" etc etc. Similar conversation happens in all areas of life. Question is "Will the conversations ever go away?" ..

The answer is NO. What will go away is how we relate to our conversations. The minute we are aware that this is all OUR conversation about the context, we would be able to drop it and go beyond it and take actions.

The key is to be aware of the conversations we have.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Its interesting how we look at life, people, situations etc. Most of the times it is through fillters. Filters that are developed over a period of time and based on what happened and what we make out of what happened.

To illustrate this, let me take an example. There was a specific person in my organisation, who, most people loved to ignore, not because the person was a bad one, but because of the kind of filter that people had abt that person. Whats the impact of having such a filter? Whenever that person confronts you, the first thing that we want to do is to go away from that place. For example, if a white light is covered with colored glass, say blue, then the things around that light will have a blue tinge to them. But in reality, the things are not blue, they only appear blue.

If the same concept is applied to life, then we can see the kind of filters that we use when we are faced with situations or when we are with specific people etc.

The challenge is not only removing the filters, but being aware about the filters also.